Fernando Lawyers
Your Affordable & Effective Lawyer in Gold Coast
Let us help guide you through all your legal matters
At Fernando Lawyers, we aim to be compassionate professionals and are resilient in the work we do. We are a growing boutique office and aim to provide our clients with a positive experience and welcome feedback on improving and developing our services to better suit your needs.

Legal Practice Areas

Wills and Estate
As Legal Firms in Pimpama, we handle the drafting of Wills. This is to ensure that you have considered the various aspects of your Estate, to word the Will to deter claims from unsatisfied family members and deter claims against capacity and or undue influence.

Conveyancing & Property
Buying and Selling property and land is complex with at least twenty different State and Federal legislation that may apply on top of terms and conditions of the Contract and case law that may affect the conveyance.

Our clients include small businesses, start-ups and self employed traders varying from clients with many years of experience to no experience at all. Many of our clients seek advise on how to start a business or how to sell a business.

Powers of Attorney
Powers of Attorney are legal documents that significantly affect your legal rights. It is important and recommended to seek independent legal advice to ensure the documents are drafted according to your intentions and you are aware of the risks and rights involved.

When you enter into a Lease, you are agreeing to pay the Landlord rent as specified in the document for whichever term noted, e.g. three or five years, so it is important you are aware of what is in the Lease as you have to adhere to the agreement.

Other Legal Matters
We are a growing Legal Firm in Gold Coast and aim to provide our clients with a positive experience and welcome feedback on improving and developing our services to better suit your needs.
Are you looking for someone to help?
Let us help you! Call Now : 0435 334 745
We love to see our clients succeed
Our best Lawyers in Pimpama, QLD are motivated to establish long-term relationships with our clients and support them in reaching their goals. We are driven and engaged in providing meaningful, high-quality services and strategic thinking, whether it be in order for our clients to build a successful business, buy or sell a business or home, touch base on a myriad of legal matters, and so much more.