Powers of attorney
Powers of Attorney
Power of Attorney Gold Coast are legal documents that significantly affect you legal rights. It is important and recommended to seek independent legal advice to ensure the documents are drafted according to your intentions and you are aware of the risks and rights involved.
Principal: the person(s) granting power to another to act on their behalf
Attorney: person to who the power is granted to act on behalf of another
A fully executed and valid Power of Attorney is valid during the Principal’s lifetime. When a Principal is deceased, the Power of Attorney is no longer valid and the Will takes effect (if they have a Will).
If you no longer wish to give power to your Attorney, you can revoke the relevant Attorney by executing a valid Revocation.
When appointing an Attorney they must be over 18.
We recommend you appoint someone you trust:
- To make decisions in your best interest
- To put your rights and needs above their own and others when making decisions on your behalf
- To be capable of managing your assets and investments
- To understand and adhere to the duties of an Attorney
An Enduring Power of Attorney Lawyer Pimpama allows one to appoint a trusted person or persons to act and make decisions on their behalf for health or financial matters or both.
An Enduring Power of Attorney authorises the Attorney to continue to make decisions on behalf of the Principal even after the Principal loses capacity. The Attorney can make decisions on your behalf even if you still have capacity or you can draft it to allow your Attorney to only make decisions after you lose capacity. Contact us to discuss the pros and cons of each option.
You may express your views, wishes and preferences in the documents so your Attorney has some direction when exercising the power to make a decision on your behalf.
When you are searching for ‘Power of Attorney Lawyer Near Me’, the goal is to protect ones interest in the case you are unable to make decisions for whatever reason. It could be because of an illness, accident or circumstance such as if an overseas trip was extended due to the pandemic or unforeseen circumstances and you require your bank to release funds to accommodate your extra length of stay or if you are in hospital and temporarily lose capacity due to a fall or as a reaction to medication. The document is a safe guard to ensure your health related and financial wellbeing is protected. It allows the Attorney to sign legal documents, operate bank accounts, manage investments, make payments or collect payments on your behalf.
General POA Lawyers Near Me: The General Power of Attorney allows one to appoint a trusted person or persons to act and make decisions on their behalf for financial matters.
This document is no longer affective when the Principal loses capacity or dies.
Much like the Enduring Power of Attorney, a General Power of Attorney allows you to protect your interest including for entities such as companies. In the case you are unable to make decisions for whatever reason, this document is a safe guard to ensure your financial wellbeing is protected. It allows the Attorney to sign legal documents, operate bank accounts, manage investments, make payments or collect payments on your behalf.
An Advanced Health Directive allows one to give direction on ones wishes regarding health matters such as life-sustaining treatments, blood transfusions and other health care matters. It also allows one to appoint an Attorney to make decisions on behalf of one for health matters. This document is complex and requires signatures by a Doctor, a Lawyer and of course the Principal and Attorney(s).